© Larry Vierheilig 2011 |
Plant Name: Paphiopedilum spicerianum 'Rebecca' HCC/AOS 76 pts.
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
6.8 cm |
Vertical: |
7.2 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
6.5 cm |
Length: |
4.5 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
1.5 cm |
Length: |
4.0 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
2.5 cm |
Length: |
4.0 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
2.5 cm |
Length: |
3.8 cm |
Description: One flower on a 17.0 cm long spiked inflorescence; dorsal sepal off-white, light green basally, midvein dark mauve; synsepal light green distally fading to white; Petals heavily ruffled, green suffused brown with central dark brown midvein; pouch green externally suffused brown, internally brown, basally green; staminode purple, margins white, center yellow; substance firm; texture matte.
Exhibitor: Jim Sloniker |

© Larry Vierheilig 2011 |
Plant Name: Brassocatanthe Jack Sloniker 'Kaitlyn' AM/AOS 86 pts.
(B. nodosa x Ctt. Netrasiri Waxy)
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
9.0 cm |
Vertical: |
10.0 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
1.0 cm |
Length: |
6.0 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
1.5 cm |
Length: |
5.5 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
1.5 cm |
Length: |
5.5 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
3.5 cm |
Length: |
5.2 cm |
Description: Seven flowers well presented on 17.0 cm inflorescence; sepals yellow green, tipped red purple; petals yellow green lightly brushed red purple on distal margins; lip cream, finely spotted and veined red purple centrally and on distal third of midlobe; substance firm; texture matte.
Exhibitor: Jim Sloniker |

© Larry Vierheilig 2011 |
Plant Name: Paphiopedilum Fair Mist 'Jack' AM/AOS 84 pts.
(fairrieanum x Ruby Mist)
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
12.2 cm |
Vertical: |
10.5 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
6.2 cm |
Length: |
6.0 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
2.5 cm |
Length: |
6.7 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
3.4 cm |
Length: |
4.3 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
2.5 cm |
Length: |
4.7 cm |
Description: One flower on one 25.0 cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal dark burgundy veined dark mauve, apical margin off white; synsepal dark burgundy veined dark brown; petals green proximally becoming to dark brown distally, spotted dark burgundy; pouch burgundy; staminode green, dusted brown; substance firm; texture waxy.
Exhibitor: Jim Sloniker |

© Larry Veirheilig 2011 |
Plant Name: Paphiopedilum Hsinying Delight 'St. Georges Sail' HCC/AOS 76 pts.
(specierianum x Stone Lovely)
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
10.0 cm |
Vertical: |
9.8 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
8.3 cm |
Length: |
5.4 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
2.8 cm |
Length: |
6.0 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
4.6 cm |
Length: |
4.0 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
3.5 cm |
Length: |
4.0 cm |
Description: One well balanced flower on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal white, lime green basally, speckled purple centrally; petals green, purple speckling coalescing into a solid midvein, white picotee; pouch green maroon; synsepal white; substance firm; texture shiny.
Exhibitor: Natures Bounty Orchids |